About us

The Memorial Museums Department

The Memorial Museums Department is a department of the Topography of Terror Foundation. It was founded in 1983 by Action Reconciliation Service for Peace.

In 1993, the unit’s tasks were transferred to the Topography of Terror Foundation.

The department’s job is to network and promote the exchange of information between memorial museums and documentation sites and places of remembrance of Nazi crimes. The focus of the work is Germany. Communication and cooperation with memorial museums, museums, and institutions abroad has always been pursued by the department.

The transfer of information and suggestions for further exchange are made possible by regular offers. These include the Memorial Museums Newsletter, which has been published more than 200 times since 1983, the organisation of conferences, seminars, and workshops on the networking of memorial sites, as well as on the examination of the history of National Socialism and its contemporary significance. The department also supervises long-standing working groups, which include staff members from various institutions.

Since January 2000, the Memorial Museums Forum on the Internet has provided the interested public with daily updates on news from the memorial museums, information on events, new publications, projects, and job postings.

Further information: Detlef Garbe:The Development of Memorial Museums in Germany and their Network. Review and Perspectives; in: Memorial Museums Newsletter Nr. 189 (2/2018)


Dr. Julana Bredtmann
Niederkirchnerstraße 8, 10963 Berlin
030 254509-15 



Office coordination and editorial work

Michaela Illner
Niederkirchnerstraße 8, 10963 Berlin
030 254509-20

Voluntary Social Year/FSJ

Emma M. Manthey
Niederkirchnerstraße 8, 10963 Berlin
030 254509-30

Project assistant "online education"

Arno Helwig
Niederkirchnerstraße 8, 10963 Berlin
030 254509-55


Project assistant "Young People Remember"

Florian Kemmelmeier
Niederkirchnerstraße 8, 10963 Berlin
030 254509-56

General contact

Memorial Museums Department
Stiftung Topographie des Terrors
Niederkirchnerstraße 8
10963 Berlin
Tel.: +49 / 30 / 254 509 - 20
Fax: +49 / 30 / 254 509 - 99

Memorial Museums Forum