In an office near Ku’damm

07/2023Gedenkstättenrundbrief 210, S. 120
Jacek Nowakowski

I met Thomas Lutz in an office near Ku’damm, at the heart of former West Berlin, so long ago that the details have become blurry in my memory. Back then, there were only a few of us working towards Holocaust commemoration. We were each working independently miles apart, and it wasn’t until we came together that we realized we shared the same concerns and challenges. I was already familiar with young Germans like Thomas, who had visited Holocaust survivors like my mother in Communist Poland during the 70s. Their unwavering commitment to the cause had always impressed me.

Over the years, Thomas and I would occasionally exchange thoughts and experiences, but it wasn’t until he became our visiting scholar at the USHMM in 2007 that we truly collaborated. Our encounters were always thought-provoking, providing me with a valuable perspective on our work. Since then, the Holocaust commemorative landscape in Berlin and beyond has grown tremendously, and Thomas’ guidance and active participation have left a lasting impact.
As we celebrate our 30th anniversary at the USHMM this April, we are grateful for Thomas’ unwavering support and presence throughout the years, even prior to opening. Although Thomas may be retiring from his position at the Topography of Terror, I have no doubt that he will continue to wear many hats in organizations committed to Holocaust memory.

Jacek Nowakowski ist Senior Curator for Collections am United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) in Washington, D.C.